Skills & Drills

Anchor Rode Check
Sunday March 9
Noon to 4 pm
Your motor or your sails get you there.
Your anchor keeps you there. But anchoring’s not a “set it and forget it” procedure.
One of the most important factors in anchor safety is having the right amount of rode (anchor line or chain) out for the depth and sea state.
How do you know how much line you’ve let out? By marking your rode.
In this session, we’ll talk about the rules of scope (how much line for different depths and sea states) then mark anchor chains and/or ropes.
You’ll want to get the appropriate RODE MARKERS in advance. Here are good options for chain and rope that you can find on Amazon:
Check out our upcoming events
You can view our Photo Gallery of past cruise-outs, docktails, shoreside events.
We are looking for cruise directors this year. Please check the calendar to see if you are able to lead a cruise out with the help of our newly elected Commodore, Max Perez. Email to volunteer or if you have any questions.